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  • Do you have a meeting space?
    Post Covid, the Shed intends to resume meeting in the meeting room of the MVCA's Mill of Kintail Gatehouse . We have met there in the past on every second and fourth Thursday at 10 AM.
  • Where else do you meet?
    In addition to meeting the second and fourth Thursday of each month at the Mill of Kintail, we meet for breakfast at the Gourmet restaurant in Carleton Place, on the first, third and, when there is a fifth, Thursday of the month at 9AM. Basic breakfast is about $12.
  • What kind of activities does the Shed do?
    The Shed has Coordinators who arrange activities such as: outings to special events. wood working sessions at our workshop. building needed projects for the local community and for needy organisations. participate in things like Seniors Expos and other community functions. Games Days, October to April are organised by Dave Bustard October to April we have a virtual Current Events group lead by Keith Sheldrick. During Covid and for the forseeable future, we meet at 10AM on Fridays by Zoom.
  • Who coordinates the activities?
    Our meetings at the Mill of Kintail are coordinated by our Team Leader or his designate. The workshop is supervised by our Workshop coordinator, a former High School Shops Teacher. Our social activities are coordinated by our Social Coordinator. Special projects are handled by our Projects coordinator. Other aspects (website, membership, MVCA liaison, secretary and treasurer) are coordinated by our team of coordintors. These links are at the bottom of the Contacts page on this website.
  • What other assets are available to members?
    We have a well equipped woodworking shop open to our members. The use of the workshop is by appointment and is supervised by our Workshop coordinator or his designate. It is our hope to eventually have a tool lending library for those members who were faced with downsizing and loosing their own tools but need a tool for a job. Another asset is our website which includes our online store and a Zoom account. To avail your self of these assets, contact us for more information.
  • Do you allow women to join?
    No we do not since one of the foundational aspects of Men's Sheds is to promote “the health and well-being” of men. Some health concerns, especially things that develop with age, are best shared with others of the same sex. In Australia and Ireland, women, who find the Men's Shed philosophy helpful, have established Women's Sheds (not yet in Canada). Here women, too, can share concerns about the unique health concerns women face.
  • What is a Men's Shed?
    A Men’s Shed is a dedicated, friendly and welcoming meeting place where men come together and undertake a variety of mutually agreed activities.
  • How are Men's Sheds initiated and operated?
    Men's Sheds are typically initiated independently by two or more men or sponsored by a community organisation. Either way works but, in either case, the members of the shed initiate and operate the Shed's program.
  • How old do you have to be to join a Men's Shed?
    In Canada, one must be 18 years of age and older.
  • Are Men's Sheds just for older men?
    Sheds are for all who identify as male and are 18 years and older. Many Sheds primarily have members of retirement age.
  • How can I find out more about Men's Sheds?
    There is a wealth of information available on international, Canadian and some provincial sites. Or contact us here to find out more.
  • Do I need to have a particular skill set to be a member?
    Absolutely not! The prime purpose of a Shed is to offer a safe and caring environment into which all are welcome. If you are younger, count on learning skills older members have to and will share. If more mature/senior, you have skills which can be shared to benefit the local Shed.
  • Is there a Men's Shed near me?
    If you are in the Ottawa-Carleton area, there are five Men's Sheds: Naismith Men's Shed in Mississippi Mills; Hackberry Men's Shed in Carleton Place; Arnprior-McNab-Braeside Men’s Shed in the Arnprior area; Men's Shed Ottawa Centre in Ottawa Centre; Men's Shed Perth. If you are elsewhere in Ontario, there are now 7 functioning Men's Sheds and 3 in formative stages. In total: there are 51 across Canada the worldwide number is approaching 2000. If you are in a location without a Men's Shed close by, be a pioneer and go to this tool kitand create one for your area.
  • What can I do if there isn't a Men's Shed near me?
    If there is no Men's Shed near you, go to the CMSA website and download their tool kit that gives the information on setting up a Men's Shed.
  • What level of commitment is expected of my membership?
    In shedding, we anticipate that members will adhere to Men's Shed values, i.e. help to create an inclusiive space for all men that is safe for all (physically, mentally, emotionally and socially) and will treat others as equals and with respect and tolerance.
  • How much of my time will be required?
    As much as you have to offer! We have many activities, some of which will appeal to youmore than others. Share your time where your interests lie. Occasionally, a project challenges us all to help out for a short time (e.g. sale days).
  • How does the NMS communicate with its members?
    Our primary form of communication is email but we also phone to inform our members of events and important news. We have also grouped members by their interests so that they get specific emails. We reserve blanket emails for items of general need.
  • How much does it cost to belong to the Naismith Men's Shed?
    At the moment, belonging to the NMS costs a nominal $1 per year. Our annual operating expenses are approximately $3000, half of which are shop related and are covered by shop projects. The remainder is through the generosity of our members who chip into the "cookie jar" when they can.
  • Does the NMS have insurance coverage?
    Yes, we have both accident and liability coverage for our members when involved in a Shed sanctioned activity.
  • How do I join?
    Joining is simple. If you are in the Mississippi Mills area, simply click on this link to take you to the sign-up form on this website linking you to the Membership Coordinator.
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