In Memory of those with whom we have had the pleasure to stand shoulder to shoulder.
“The comfort of having a friend may be taken away, but not that of having had one.” ~Seneca

David Cooper
Dave had a logical and organized mind. When, as we got organize, it became clear that the several guiding documents we had put in place were cumbersome and poorly organized, he offered to put them together in our Terms of Reference – not as binding and restrictive as a constitution, but keeping us moving forward in an organized and agreed upon process. And when we needed a treasurer, his logical and organized mind came to the rescue. Even when dealing with his battle with cancer and less able to look after things in person, he continued to tend to the books electronically with unflagging zeal.

Bob McCook
Bob was one of the founding members of the Naismith Men's Shed.
A quiet and unassuming man, Bob always had well thought out points to add to any discussion, helping our Shed to come to an optimum decision.
When it became obvious that tracking membership and secretarial tasks was too much for one man to handle, Bob was quick to offer his help and, as secretary, did a first rate job of tracking projects and events that were underway.